By the time children start going to kindergarten, they’re able to communicate with others. But there are times when children may face various speech and language difficulties and need to see a specialist.
Let’s Understand The Difference Between Speech and Language:
Speech and language are interconnected but there is a certain difference between these two. Speech refers to how we pronounce sounds and words. It is a more complex skill that actually takes time to develop.
Language refers to the words we use to deliver a specific message to the listener. There are instances where children who can’t speak yet use language.
When Does Your Child Need Speech and Language Therapy?
If you can identify different traits that show the sign of a speech or language delay, you should take your child to a therapist. Below are some signs of speech and language delay-
Children usually start babbling between the ages of 4months to 6 months. If you see your child is already 7 months and isn’t babbling yet, you need to take your child to a doctor.
Children can develop stuttering by the age of 2. Your child may repeat whole worlds or one syllable. If your child who is going to preschool starts showing the signs of stuttering for longer, then you must call a therapist.
Any child who prefers to stay alone or does not participate in play may have symptoms of autism spectrum disorder(ASD). Children with ASD may experience speech and language difficulties and need to see a therapist as early as possible.
Young children often have incoherent speech. These can be the signs of childhood apraxia of speech. If your child gets early speech therapy, it can reduce the persistence of the signs and symptoms later.
If your child has any of the above-mentioned speech and language symptoms, you should visit a rehabilitation center that offers child speech therapy. They will assess the condition of your children and suggest the best therapy programs based on their specific needs.