Cuevas Medek Exercise (CME) therapy is a unique physical therapy approach designed to improve motor skills in children with developmental delays. Developed by Chilean physiotherapist Ramon Cuevas in the 1970s, CME uses a series of dynamic exercises to stimulate automatic postural responses in children.
What is CME therapy?
CME therapy focuses on children as young as three months old. Through a program of targeted exercises, therapists aim to strengthen core muscles and promote independent movement skills like standing, sitting, and walking. Unlike some traditional approaches, CME avoids the use of external supports like splints or walkers. Instead, it emphasizes challenging the child's central nervous system to develop its own motor responses.
Who can benefit from CME therapy?
CME therapy is most commonly used for children with motor delays caused by conditions affecting the central nervous system. This can include cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, hypotonia, and global developmental delay. Treatment is most effective when begun early in a child's development.
What are the benefits of CME therapy?
Studies have shown that CME therapy can be successful in improving a child's:
Gross motor skills (standing, sitting, walking)
Balance and coordination
Cuevas Medek Exercise (CME) therapy offers a promising approach to help children with motor delays reach their full potential. By working with a qualified therapist, you can create a treatment plan that supports your child's development. Find cuevas medek therapy specialists who are well trained and equipped with the latest techniques to ensure the quickest recovery for your child. Schedule a consultation today!