Cuevas Medek Exercise (CME) is a dynamic approach used is physical therapy focused on provoking improved postural responses in patients to encourage progress toward the developmental milestones.
What is Cuevas Medek Exercise Physical Therapy?
In CME, a therapist physically manipulates the children to stretch out their muscles and train the muscles in groups. These physical exercises gradually allow children to gain control over their trunk, which is essential to perform basic and gross motor activities like standing, sitting, and walking. If a child can stand with the ankle support floor is used more for him or her to encourage natural movements. Floor exercises include the use of certain pieces of equipment which can be used in different ways to challenge the child’s ability to balance. Exercises are done by the children with the help of the therapist and are continued in each session until the reaction of the brain becomes automatic and the body starts reacting normally to the area where it needs to keep its balance.
CME Physical Therapy Generally Focuses on these Aspects
Making the children familiar to the natural influence of gravity with eventual progression to distal support
Help them in improving the gross motor skills of young children with physical disabilities and movement disorders from a very early age.
Initiate automatic postural reactions that help is developing postural control necessary for functional tasks
Physical exercises which lead to sitting, standing, and walking
Why CME Physical Therapy can be the Best Treatment Plan for your Child’s Gross Motor Delays?
Are you worried about your child’s ability to learn age-appropriate movements in Dubai? You can rely on rehabilitation centers in Dubai, that offer Cuevas Medek Exercises physical therapy helpful and can be used for young children, from the age of one month until they can gain the ability to walk by themselves.
CME physical therapy in Dubai aims to improve the gross motor skills of children experiencing trouble in performing day to day physical activities like standing and sitting independently. It is highly beneficial for children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, hypotonia, global development delay, and other physical disabilities.
What Makes CME Physical Therapy Different from the Rest of the Approaches?
CME encourages the appearance of absent and automatic motor functions. Each exercise needs input by the therapists and the suitable output is expected by the child. Motor activities are enthused to bring out new actions and reactions that a child could not perform previously. Once these actions are learned, basic skills like standing and sitting are developed. Proper selection of exercises ascertains that new motor skills are developed in place facilitating what the child is previously capable of doing.
A difference is, the child’s cooperation and motivation are not needed to achieve the best result with CME, while distraction is the key factor. Patients are placed in situations where their natural recovery instincts can be triggered until the child can complete an action on their own.