Handwriting is an important skill that children should learn because it has a great role to play in their academic performance. Good handwriting helps a child express clearly and efficiently, which is required in school and everywhere else. It also helps improve cognitive development since the brain's ability to interpret what one's eyes see is very closely related to physical activities such as writing.

However, not all children master handwriting as others do. Even when children are at the age of 5 or 6, when most start writing legibly, some still cannot form letters or control their pencils. This is where handwriting programs for kids should be sought early to address these challenges.
Let’s find out four important signs when you should think of a handwriting program for your child.
1. Poor Pencil Grip
Poor pencil grip can cause a child to have difficulty with pencil control, making writing a frustrating and messy experience. This can negatively impact their ability which will lead to incorrect letter formation.
2. Inconsistent Letter Formation
If your child consistently writes letters backward or variably, it may indicate the need for extra practice and guidance in handwriting.
3. Slowness and Fatigue
If you see your child becomes easily exhausted while writing or takes quite a long time to finish their written work, then the child might require help to boost muscle strength and coordination.
4. Difficulty Spacing and Alignment
Children who struggle to keep spacing in the wording or proper alignment while writing their words on the line show they suffer from fine motor skill delays. This issue can be rectified through targeted handwriting programs.
Good handwriting is more than aesthetics. It's actually a skill that affects the brain, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills, which in turn affect the child’s academic performance. If your child is showing signs of struggling with handwriting, it's perhaps time to consult a clinic that offers an excellent handwriting therapy program in Dubai. With the added benefit of improving pencil control, hand strength, finger dexterity, and arm coordination, these programs provide the foundation for your child's future success.